Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Day Forty-Three

Sunday, May 20, 2018
  *My wife, Deborah's Birthday

Crossbearer's Log:
Started walking at 8:15 A.M. with a goal to walk 14.1 miles if I am able to maintain a 20 min/mile pace. Four hours and forty minutes later, I finished at 12:55 P.M.
Felt good for the first nine miles. The endless days of walking primarily on asphalt surface has taken its toll on my legs, leaving me sore in my ankles, knees, feet, and achilles tendons. I have been walking for fifteen days straight and I can feel my body telling me to rest. If I do walk tomorrow, it will only be to the Beowawe Rest Stop on I-80, approximately ten miles. 
Today's walk started out cool, but got hot and muggy with no breeze. Thankfully, the last six miles were breezy, overcast and cool. 

Daily Distance: 14.1 miles
Total Distance: 510 miles
Ahead of Schedule: 80 miles

N 40°36.7394'
W 116°48.4530'
Elevation: 4,523 ft.
Course: ENE 67° T

N 40°41.5635'
W 116°34.3215'
Elevation: 4,601 ft.
Course: E 94° T

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